DPI – 儿童產品及玩具风险评估

发布日期:5/10/2011     阅读:4440     评论:0

DPI assesses the risks of toys and their ingredients to give children better protection and eliminiate the risk and potential hazards to the user as well as third parties.

Children can often come into contact with a large number of chemical substances through toys in the course of playing. Substances from toys can be released in smaller or larger amounts during skin contact, in particular when taken into the mouth and hence be absorbed by children. Children may also be affected by the physical hazards such as sharp point, sharp edge and other kind of mechanical risk in line witht the product design.

The risks include carcinogenic substances or heavy metals such as lead and cadmium, which occur in dyes of toys. Plasticisers in toys and the nitrosamine contamination of balloons are just as hazardous. Furthermore, children can also nibble off and ingest smaller amounts of toy materials, such as coatings.

For that reason sensitive substances which are contained in toys may only be released in amounts which are safe for health.

Comprised of national experts of investigation, certified assessor and laboratory chemists, DPI’s professional team assesses possible chemical risks which can be caused by toys. We are experienced in exmination of a number of substances in toys. These include, amongst others:

  • Nickel
  • Allergenic fragrances
  • Lead
  • Cadmium
  • Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
  • Phenol
  • Plasticisers
  • Formaldehyde in wooden toys
  • Organic Tin
  • Boric acid in bouncing play dough and slimies